Boris, you've done something good!
Article added on the 17 Mar 2019
Boris (Johnson) has done it again, in his own fangled use of words eluding to the truth, but typically his use of words are not policially correct and frustrating. His comment on historic abuse enquir [...]
Why let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Article added on the 3 Apr 2018
Those who have suffered from wrongful arrest and unfounded allegations, in connection with serious crimes, will be pleased that Scotland Yard Commissioner Cressida Dick has stated that officers must i [...]
Criminal decision!
Article added on the 29 Mar 2018
There are many who could argue that I know 'jack shit' about the law and parole boards. They could be nearly right! This bloke Warboys commited a string of serious crimes. He was then pr [...]
'Mad Dogs and Englishmen'
Article added on the 17 Mar 2018
We are in a torrid era, where any person seemingly can accuse any individual of anything dastardly, without there being any evidence to support the allegations and then, too often, there is no redress [...]
As we get older, we express our views with greater honesty!
Article added on the 1 Jan 2018
The Sun Newspaper claims that "PRINCE Philip stunned crowds at Sandringham today (yesterday) when he pointed to a bearded man and asked if he was a "terrorist". The 96-year-old, who is [...]
On the road to recovery.
Article added on the 8 Jul 2017
Since 1st April, this not an 'April Fool Joke', the Police have to fill in a 10 page report where they employ handcuffs, use a baton or CS gas. According to the BBC News Website . 'Welcome [...]
Football, Tennis and now the MoD
Article added on the 7 Jul 2017
What other organisations can these compensation hungry torturing people seek out, with torment, then aggravate the good works done, by few for so many? Following the report on the abuse at the & [...]
Wild West Country
Article added on the 13 Jun 2017
Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner, Alison Hernandez, says gun licence holders could be the solution to defending rural areas from terrorists. She's going to take the idea to the Chi [...]
Three types of Police Officer.
Article added on the 12 Jun 2017
I am mightly aware that I have no fondness for the Police. I am completely biased. Probably something to do with them f^&*ing up my life, then hiding when being challenged, arrogant in their pres [...]
.... and now the Mental Health service has 'got' the boot in!
Article added on the 27 May 2017
Anyone who is not aware that the Mental Health services are at their weakest must be parked on planet Zogg! The £133 million budget, supporting those through within the local Devon NHS Partnersh [...]