If I needed to create a series of sensational headlines, they might include;

"1 in 35 men are paedophiles', "75% of men who look at indecent images are abusers of children", '750,000 men in Britain are paedophiles', 'In every town in Britain there are taxi drivers abusing girls"    . . .

If I did create the above I might be in breach of copyright as these are real headlines of the last 5 years! 

"Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is a phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments. . . .  and anyway  "Why let the truth get in the way of a good story!"

There is never true darkness in life. I have always found that occupying myself in research has always introduced light into my low mood days.  This whole website is founded on research supported with my own experience. As a former 'academic' and social scientist, I should be able to construct an information driven arguement and ultimately come to a conclusion based on emperical data without too much contiguous emotion. I have never been afraid to present the uncomfortable, nor have I been afraid to 'fight against the tide'. When it comes to the behaviour of people and their management, there will always be many views and counter views, but at the end of day the science will prevail.

People in high office with influence can easily grab the headlines with ill founded information until such a time as others distrust what they say, when it is found that all is based on half truths or is completely inaccurate. The 'Chinese Whisper' scenario is all to common. Was it not Winston Churchill who expressed the balance of truth to lies with his "A lie will get half way around the world before the truth has the opportunity to put their pants on!"

Simon Bailey, the Chief Constable of Norfolk police and the Association of Chief Police Officers’ (ACPO) lead on child protection and abuse investigations, is reported by the Guardian Newspaper, to have said "that while police had a database of 50,000 people who regularly viewed indecent images of children, research suggested not all were an immediate threat.

“What academic research would say is between 16% and 50% of those people who have viewed indecent images of children are then likely to be ‘contact abusers’ [of children]. That can be as high as 25,000 or as low as 8,000. [This group] poses a threat,” he said. However, the remaining group of child sex offenders – who are committing a crime by viewing the material online – are “non-contact abusers” who Bailey says do not “need to come into the criminal justice system in terms of being put forward before a court”.

I challenge Simon Bailey to guide me towards this illusive academic research. This presentation of statistics is all good in starting to seperate the 'contact abusers' from the online viewers of images, but does question why the available scientifically constructed conclusions from data borne from a Swedish study has not been used, as it concludes that it could be a low as 3% of image viewers are engaged in contact abuse.

The raising concernn about 'Child Sexual Exploitation' should never be challenged, but adding any questionable or leading information to a 'fear' arguement, will at some point discredit trust in the 'expert' and weaken support from the public.